Monday, December 3, 2012

Alternative Weed Grow Light Types LED vs CFL's

Alternative Weed Grow Light Types LED vs CFL's

   OK lets face it, we all know you can grow weed with cheap CFL  alternative weed grow light types, but can you grow very good weed? Heck yea you can! In fact not only can potlovers grow killer weed using powerful CFL units as alternative grow lights, but you can rival old style more expensive hps grow lights in yield and quality!
  The way to use CFL's as grow lighting is how they are used. You've got to use tons of light. I meant lots and lots of light! Don’t get cheap on using CFL's, they last for years and are still much cheaper than the others. I recommend getting a SuperMax 2000 watt CFL grow lamp from

  CFL Alternative Weed Grow Light Types & FLOWERING: 

 CFL  alternative weed grow light types in the flower cycle should be put as close as 2” to the plants, and never farther than 10” from the tops. Basically you'll want to keep your main grow area to about 2 ½ feet to 3 ft under your grow lamps for the best results.
  People mistakenly use CFL's like regular grow lights and expect the same yield. That yield may achieved by using the CFL plant lights for maximum yield. CFL's don’t penetrate as far as HiD or HPS lamps do because of the lower Lumen count, but in the first couple feet of light, CFL grow systems can exceed HiD, and HPS lights in TOTAL USABLE light. Meaning the CFL grow lights spit out less overall lumen, but more lumen in light colors that pot plants want. Thus, better cultivating methods like, scrogging, pinching, sea of green, and lollipoping are highly recommended when using CFL grow lights. Really, whether your using old HPS lights or alternative grow lights like CFL's, those methods are still highly recommended. Even using HiD's, or HPS units, the buds under a couple of feet tends to be wispy, popcorny and pretty bad for medical use.
CFL  alternative weed grow light types  in the GROW CYCLE:
  There's no mistake! CFL grow lights for veg are the best inexpensive veg lamps on the market. Period.
  OK, I'll explain. Today about half of all indoor growers still use T-8 or T-5 fluorescent tube setups for their plants during the vegetation cycle with good results. Fluorescent are widely believed to be the closest artificial light to sunlight. Its no wonder tanning beds use fluorescent light. CFL's or compact fluorescent lights are the same type of light only in a compact from. CFL bulbs are easier to position, and provide more intense light in the same space over traditional fluorescent tubes do.
 While traditional 400 watt and 650 watt T-8's and T-5's have done a pretty good job, using a 1400 watt or 2000 watt CFL growlight system makes a lot more sense. With one of those units your getting 3 – 5 X's the light from a unit with roughly the same initial cost. Many people report getting 2” - 4” inches of growth a day using powerful CFL grow lights.

  Hey CFL grow lights might not be for you, but if your into saving money while still growing some good quality bud, you might wanna give em a try.